
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Change MAC address of Ethernet adapter

Under Windows XP, the MAC address can be changed in the Ethernet adapter's Properties menu, in the Advanced tab, as "MAC Address", "Locally Administered Address", "Ethernet Address" or "Network Address". The exact name depends on the Ethernet driver used; not all drivers support changing the MAC address in this way.

 to check your MAC address easily on a Windows XP box, go to Run, type CMD, then type "ipconfig /all" without quotation in the command prompt. The number under physical address is the MAC address. If multiple IP are displayed, you should look under the label "Ethernet adapter x", where x is the name of your connection (which is Local Area Connection by default)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Photo Shop 7 Not loading

Q: When I click on Photo Shop 7 Icon it loads the program, then  dissapeard. I've tried re-installing PS. How shall I use PS again?
A: Hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift while starting up Photoshop. You should get a dialog asking if you want to reset Preferences. Click Yes. It should work but you will need to remake any Preference settings in Edit>Preferences.
or  Delete Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Prefs.psp on x:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop\7.0\Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Settings

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lookup a user name and machine name using an IP address ?


If you need to find a username but only have an ip address,

At the command prompt enter the following command:
nbtstat –a
This will list the machine name using that ip address.


Friday, July 29, 2011

MS-DOS-based Printouts thru USB Printer in Windows XP

How to print MS-DOS-based Printouts thru USB Printer in Windows XP
By default, most MS-DOS-based programs print directly to LPT1 or LPT2 port using parallel port. What do you do if your PC comes without Parallel Port?
if you are not using a net work please install loopback adaptor. If you don't know how to install loopback adaptor, please check my previous post Install a Loopback Adapter 
Connect USB Printer and install it on usb port. share it
Assume your machine as and printer share name as PRINTER
Create a bat file as netprint.bat including following statements
Run  netprint.bat

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Boot Winxp Fast

Follow the following steps
1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\

2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".

3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.

4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".

5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.

6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".

7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"

8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".

9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".

10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.

11. Reboot your computer.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What's the difference between .COM and .EXE formats?

- What's the difference between .COM and .EXE formats?
 To oversimplify: a .COM file is a direct image of how the program will
 look in main memory, and a .EXE file will undergo some further
 relocation when it is run (and so it begins with a relocation header). A
 .COM file is limited to 64K for all segments combined, but a .EXE file
 can have as many segments as your linker will handle and be as large as
 RAM can take.
 The actual file extension doesn't matter. DOS knows that a file being
 loaded is in .EXE format if its first two bytes are MZ or ZM; otherwise
 it is assumed to be in .COM format. For instance, DR-DOS 6.0's
 COMMAND.COM is in .EXE format as is COMMAND.COM in recent versions of

Monday, June 20, 2011

Enable Telnet on Windows 7



  1. Start
  2. Control Panel
  3. Programs And Features
  4. Turn Windows features on or off
  5. Check Telnet Client
  6. Hit OK

After that you can start Telnet via Command Prompt.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When Your Computer Automatically Restarts

Please check,

This can be caused by several things:

1. Fan power cable not properly attached (open case and see if fan is spinning);

2. Fan power cable not connected to "CPU FAN" header (open case and make sure CPU fan power cable is installed to "CPU FAN" connector);

3. Bad fan not spinning (open case and see if fan is spinning);

4. Shut down temperature set at a value that is too low on motherboard setup (press Del after turning on your PC to check this out);

5. Overheating CPU

6. Bad power supply (replace your power supply to see if the problem is gone);

7. Other bad device installed that is making the power supply to shut down.

Install a Loopback Adapter

lRp\ b#k\ a#d#p\tryk\ prQgnkyt a#wOlw\ krn a`k`ry.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to fix the Outlook Express spelling checker when the French Dictionary is the only dictionary

(only for who are having XP for OS and MS Office 2007 installed)

Cause: OE spell check dictionary is pulling from MS Office 2007 which is default in French

Fix:   Have the student open their MS Office word 2007>

Click the MS Office Icon

Go down to word options button

Click on proofing

Put a check in (suggest from main dictionary only)
Click the drop down button by – dictionary languages
Go down and select English (united states)

Click ok twice

Restart their OE and try again to use the spell check

How to access ODBC Data Source Administrator fast using Windows XP shortcut

 Start > Run > odbccp32.cpl

Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Turn Off and Disable Hibernation in Windows Vista

How to Turn Off and Disable Hibernation in Windows Vista



Hibernation is enabled by default in Windows Vista, and is one of the seven options (i.e. Hibernate) that appears on the Vista shutdown menu. Hibernate your Vista system will enable you to quickly restore to existing system state and intact workspace instead of start afresh, run programs and open your documents one by one again. If you do not use the hibernate feature in Vista, and want to delete hiberfil.sys and then recover the space occupied by the big hibernation storage file, the hibernation function can be turned off and disabled.


Unlike Windows XP, users cannot turn the hibernation on or off via Vista GUI interface anymore. Previously users can enable or disable hibernation via Power Options applet in Control Panel. This option no longer available in Windows Vista, which also enables Hibernate ability and creates hiberfil.sys by default. Instead, users have to rely on command line utility Powercf and Disk Cleanup Wizard to disable hibernation in Vista. Microsoft KB920730 provides details on how to disable and turn off hibernation on computer running Vista system. You must log on to Vista with user account in Administrators group to perform these action.


   1. Click Start, and then type cmd in the Start Search box.

   2. In the search results list, right-click Command Prompt or Cmd, and then click Run as Administrator on the pop up contextual menu.

   3. If you are prompted by User Account Control for permission, click Continue.

   4. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:


      powercfg.exe -h off

   5. Type exit, and then press ENTER.


Another easier workaround for those who're not comfortable to work with command line is to disable hibernation and hybrid sleep feature in Windows Vista is by using Disk Cleanup wizard tool, the built-in Windows disk cleaner to delete hiberfil.sys file. The hibernation file must be enabled to access the hybrid sleep feature and the hibernation feature in Windows Vista.


   1. Click Start button, then go to All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools, and run Disk Cleanup.

   2. Choose which files to clean up, either My files only or Files from all users on this computer is fine.



3. On "Drive Selection", select the Windows Vista boot drive to clean up. Note that you must select the drive where Vista is installed, which normally is also the boot drive (C:) as hiberfil.sys file will be located on the root folder of it.


4. Once Disk Cleanup finishes scanning the system, Disk Cleanup for Vista window will open.

5. Select and tick the check box next to the Hibernation File Cleaner.




You can select or deselect other type files to clean or preserve from the available items or options in the list provided.

6. Click OK button when done.

7. Hibernation will now be removed and disabled.

Do You Know MBR? (Master Boot Record)

The Master Boot Record (MBR) is stored at the beginning of your hard drive (in the first 512 bytes.) The MBR contains information about the beginning and ending of each partition, which partition contains the operating system for booting, and other valuable information about the disk layout. Your computer will not boot up if your MBR is corrupt or missing.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Modify the Windows XP System Properties logo

To invoke the system properties dialog, click the Start button, right-click "My Computer" and select "Properties".
This will open up your general system information dialog.
If you want to put your own graphic in there, you should create your image in a .bmp graphic file. It's also a good idea to create this bitmap image with the same background shade of gray (RGB: 192, 192, 192) used in the Properties dialog. Otherwise, you risk letting Windows make its own judgments regarding color contrast and background shading.
The next thing to consider is the image size. The system properties dialog only offers enough real estate for an image of about 180 (wide) x120 (high) pixels. Make sure that you can fit your logo in this area.
Once you have created your logo and saved it as a .bmp file, copy it over to the system32 subfolder of your Windows system folder. If you don't know where your system folder is :
    * Click the Start button and select "Run"
    * In the "open" field, enter "cmd" (without the quotes) and click ok
    * Windows will open up a dos command window
    * In the command window, type "set system" (without the quotes)
    * Look for the line that contains "SystemRoot", this is where your system directory is (generally, the Windows XP system folder is c:\windows)
Now that you know where your system folder is, copy your logo image file over to the system32 subfolder of your system folder. Then rename your logo image file to oemlogo.bmp
Additionally you can create a new file in this same folder and name the new file oeminfo.ini
In this file you can enter your contact information like in the example below :
Manufacturer=SUPPORT U NEED
Model=Your Model
[Support Information]
Line1=" "
Line2=" For support,"
Line4=" "
Line5="  "
Line6=" Support U Need"
Line8=" 07X-XXX-XXXX (voice)"
Line9=" 011X XXX XXX (fax)"
Save and close the file and you are ready. From now on, if someone opens up the system properties dialog, your own Windows XP System Properties logo is in there.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Turn Off and Disable Hibernation in Windows Vista